If I asked you to feel better right now, what would you do?
What if I asked what you were worried about, and gave you the space to vent? Would you feel better?
Why do we vent? And why does it feel so good?
If you think about it, venting is what happens when we don’t know how we feel.
We’re venting to find words that explain our emotions back to us.
1. A good vent break requires one thing.
One critical element to a good vent is to say it out loud or write it down. To get these thoughts out of our heads helps us understand them, separate ourselves from them, and see just how big or how small they really are.
2. Another requirement of a good vent break?
Another critical element to any good vent is to have someone to listen to you. Or a community to hear you. It helps knowing someone is there to recognize your stress or anxiety or frustrations.

Therapist-designed breathing & thinking tools.
The Shift and Rotezen were created in collaboration with our resident psychotherapist, and especially designed to help you breathe better and think better so you can start feeling better.
3. Final step, choose your own adventure: Vent or Advice?
And one last critical element to any good vent is to call out what you are hoping to get from this Vent Break. Do you want to simply vent and get the weight off your chest? Or are you looking for advice?
What if we started talking about our thinking problem?
We feel better after we vent, right? But for how long?
If, the next time we vent, we find ourselves venting about the same topic, we might feel less better, no?
What if, after venting, we talked about our thinking problem and how to turn that Vent Break into actionable steps to overcome that worry? Could we feel better for longer?
Absolutely. Awareness is the key and allows us to begin to make some initial micro adjustments to our routine.
If, we’ve made some small change after venting, we might feel better for longer, no?
Your guide to micro-adjustments.
The daily templates, nightly prompts, and weekly thought-starters in Rotezen will help you make lasting progress toward your goals.
What if we started talking about our breathing problem?
And what if, after learning about our thinking problem, we discussed our breathing problem and how we can use the breath to proactively increase our peace of mind and flexibility and resilience in the face of worry and anxiety?
So what if, after venting, we commit to making some small change? If we begin to think about why we vent, we can be more proactive and begin to improve the situation. Then, if we start to breathe better, we might feel better for even longer, no?
Still with us? Still want to take that Vent Break?

Take the guesswork out of breathwork.
The Shift is a simple tool designed to help you breathe better. All you have to do is exhale. The Shift does the rest.
Sometimes we just need to vent.
Follow us on social and watch for a Vent Break announcement.
We’ll be launching a Vent Break space and inviting experts in breathing and thinking to join the conversation and help our community vent better, think better, breathe better, and ultimately feel better.
Stay tuned: Join the community, join the conversation, and vent.
If you want help thinking better after that vent break…
If you want to use that Vent Break to feel better and begin to think better, try Rotezen for a guided process.
Rotezen is designed to help you make micro adjustments, and track your progress in making change a reality. It will also help you track your general mood and peace of mind throughout the process with a daily check in on peace of mind, positivity, and more. So in the end, you can look back and see how much progress you’ve made and how much better you feel.
Learn more about our guided journal and planner.